
Our specialized treatments are consistently updated to reflect advances in dermatology and aesthetic care.  We are continuously following the latest science and studies to provide the best, most up-to-date and proven (as opposed to hype) procedures and products.

Dysport / Xeomin

For lines of facial expression and for underarm excessive sweat treatment






Injecting Xeomin and Dysport, one of the most commonly performed nonsurgical cosmetic procedures, is used to diminish lines of self-expression that occur over time as a result of frowning, squinting, and smiling. It is particularly useful around and between the eyes, as well as on the forehead. Xeomin and Dysport are also used to arch the eyebrows and give a more open appearance to the eyes.

These agents are used for the management of excessive underarm sweating in this office as well, and there is growing use of Xeomin / Dysport in other specialties of medicine, proving its usefulness in several medical conditions. Notable is that many patients also report that their migraine headaches are diminished with use of botox when given for cosmetic purposes.

The procedure is simple and brief, and carries minimal chance of side effects. Widely tested over several decades, these agents are natural purified proteins, and are administered locally, via tiny injections, generally remaining only in the treated small muscles, and gradually disappearing without breaking down or travelling thoughout the body. These agents relax the muscle which has sculpted the lines. The positive effects can last three to six months.

Xeomin / Dysport is derived from botulinum toxin, but (like penicillin derived from mold) we do not inject the actual toxin (as we do not injest mold when we take penicillin...), but a single very dilute protein derived from it is injected into specific muscles.

Xeomin is also highly effective in the treatment of hyperhidrosis, or excess sweating, as a revolutionary approach. Many people suffer from overactive sweat glands of the underarms, and traditional topical or surgical approaches to this embarrassing and uncomfortable problem have been futile. Xeomin can be injected directly into the areas of sweating, producing a sweat-free environment for months at a time.

Restylane / Restylane Lyft / Restylane Silk





These are safe, natural, and non-animal-based cosmetic filler agents made of hyaluronic acid gel. This substance is found in all cells in the body, and is used to provide volume and fullness to the skin. It binds with the body’s water to soften wrinkles and correct skin folds. We also use it to enhance lips by adding volume or by defining the margins more clearly. The nasolabial folds, which are the frown lines that appear from the nose down to the corner of the mouth, are very commonly treated with this as well.

There is no need for allergy testing, and there are no animal or human ingredients in these products. The effects can last- variably- from six months to as long as two years, with an average of about one year.

Perfecta (V-Beam)

Treatment for Blood Vessels on the Face and hemangiomas (collections of blood vessels on the body)

Using a beam of highly concentrated light that is specifically and selectively absorbed by blood vessels, the laser is able to reduce the fine blood vessels and the subsequent red appearance of the skin on the face, and remove hemangiomas dispersed on the body.

Non-Ablative Laser Treatment

Non-ablative laser treatment is used to harness the side-effects of lasers to improve fine lines and wrinkles, without surgery and procedures carrying any significant side effects. The laser is used to stimulate your own skin to ‘remodel’ over time, by inducing the skin to produce new collagen.

Sclerotherapy for Treatment of Leg Veins ('Spider Veins')

The blue superficial blood vessels on the legs, called ‘spider telangiectasias’, can be treated with injection using a special saline solution which causes them to fade. Sclerotherapy involves the injection of a sclerosing solution, into the dilated vessels. This causes the lining of the vessels to swell and close, resulting in both a lighter color and improvement in the appearance of the vessels. In many cases, the veins can be completely eliminated. Sclerotherapy remains the treatment of choice for spider veins of the legs (as opposed to those on the face, where V-beam laser therapy discussed above is the standard for treatment).

Resorcinol, Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, & Trichloracetic Acid Peels

These are chemical peels designed to provide improvement of skin texture, pigmentation, and laxity, with a short to limited downtime.  They are used to give skin a smoother, younger, fresher look, and play a definite role in improving the texture and quality of the skin.  These are most effective when performed in a series of treatments.  Regular daily activities can be continued with no downtime. Shortly after the procedure make-up can be applied, and one can return to work or other activities.  Not all peel preparations are the same, and we have carefully selected ingredients that optimize treatment and produce consistent, superb results.

Skin Rejuvenation Regimens / Products

Our specialized treatments are consistently updated to reflect advances in dermatology and aesthetic care. We are continuously following and studying the available science in skin care and rejuvenation regimens, and provide various regimens and products addressing this, from minimalist or simple, and more extensive and aggressive. These include glycolic acid regimens, natural growth factors, and other rejuvenation products.